Educating the saved...
...to evangelize for the lost
ABOUT Tab Smith Ministries, Inc.

Director of Ministry's Welcome,
Since 2008, TSM, Inc. has served the people of The Navajo Reservation. Over the years, we have provided Children's VBS, Christmas supplies, building projects, and pastor training, just to name a small portion of our ministry. Fifteen years later, we have focused our ministry on training the next generation of pastors to lead the ministry of the Reservation.
2023 Update:
As missionaries, we always aim to work ourselves out of our jobs. Since 2008, we have worked hard to train indigenous Christians on the Navajo Reservation to take over the mission of serving their local community. We have seen God move in mighty ways, and all our churches are becoming more and more self-sufficient each year. All our churches are now fully staffed by indigenous teams. We are so thankful for the hard work our Navajo brothers and sisters are doing to fulfill their calling.
Even so, we are dreaming big. Many of our churches continue to outgrow their facilities. They need more space and ask us to partner with them to build larger sanctuaries, fellowship halls, and the like. We currently have two churches needing help with expansion and one that has just been planted and needs a permanent structure. We need partners like you to help us in expanding their capacity.
Right now, our partners at Pure Water Ministry are trying to raise at least ten thousand dollars to complete these projects. We want to bless them by raising (at least) half that cost. TSM has always partnered with PWM to complete these goals, and we want to be a good partner again this year.
In addition to these costs, we still have training needs we must raise funds to complete. While all our churches have indigenous leaders, many of these leaders are newer ministers. The number one request from our churches on the Reservation is to continue focusing on biblical, theological education. TSM has dedicated our ministry to this goal. Outside the limited need for building projects, the rest of our work and budget goes toward the education of these leaders. We hope to provide at least three training sessions per year. These trainings serve over fourteen churches with around forty students at each training. Altogether, each training costs around three thousand dollars.
We understand that ministries are all having a difficult time raising donations. That is why we wanted to be clear in this letter precisely what we are asking for. Your funds will go to the Navajo mission; you will know exactly what we are doing with your gifts. Please consider supporting us in a big push to raise the rest of our 2023 budget. We are looking to fund the build projects and go on at least two more trips by the end of the year. We would also like to have enough raised to fund at least one or two more trips in the coming year, 2024. Continue to pray for us as we continue to pray for you.

Bright blessings,

Rev. Tab M. Miller
VP and Ministry Director
Tab Smith Ministries, Inc.
Mission Standards and Statement of Faith:

For a statement on how we approach missions to Native Americans, click here.
For our Statement of Faith, click here.
Our History

Tab Smith Ministries began with the calling on Tab Smith, Sr. Mr. Smith dedicated his life to lay preaching, and his life's work, as well as his dedication to live a Christian life, influenced his son, Dr. Tab Smith. The influence continued as God called out Rev. Tab Miller and Dr. Thomas Miller, two of Dr. Smith's grandsons....read more.